The Business Vice Chair provides an exciting opportunity to work with a new governing body, through a time of growth and development, underpinned by our new strategic plan. It is the perfect time to get involved and help shape the structure, partnerships and direction of the business side of the governing body to ensure STS operates effectively as a business, delivering transparent decision making and best practice governance, using resources wisely and generating money to re-invest in the development of the sport. Applicants don’t need to have prior knowledge of target shooting, but expertise in business and a willingness to throw yourself into this brilliant sport are important. Closing date for applications: 31st March 2025.
Board Vacancy: Finance and Fundraising Director
The Finance & Fundraising Director role provides an exciting opportunity to work with a new governing body, through a time of growth and development, underpinned by our new strategic plan. It is the perfect time to get involved and help shape and review how we manage and report on existing funds but also lead the development of new funding streams. Applicants don’t need to have prior knowledge of target shooting, but expertise in accounting and a willingness to throw yourself into this brilliant sport are important. Closing date for applications: 31st March 2025.
Contracted: STS Smallbore Coaching Course Tutor and Assessor
STS is recruiting for individuals wanting to be tutors and assessors to help us deliver our new Smallbore Coaching Course. These individuals are crucial in ensuring courses remain of a high quality, consistent across delivery and provide feedback to support the evolution of the qualification. STS is looking to appoint a small but broad range of tutors and assessors to ensure we can deliver across keys areas in Scotland. Closing date for applications: 12pm on 29 October 2023.