Scottish Target Shooting

guide to Managing Your Club’s Membership online

Scottish Target Shooting uses an online system to allow members to manage their information. This page provides information, explanations and guides on the information our online membership system is asking for from Club Members, why STS is asking for it and how members can provide this information.

Basic Details

This is the basic information required when signing up for membership of Scottish Target Shooting.

This information includes your name, email address, date of birth, personal address and phone number.

Social Media

Today there are many ways that people can contact clubs and clubs can promote themselves. The Social Media tab provides clubs with an opportunity to add details for all the social media channels used to promote the events they run and successes of their members.

To provide this information, select the 'Social Media' tab on the left hand side of the page (under the 'Club Profile' section), click on the button 'Update Social', complete the information requested and click the 'Save' button.

Training Times

While clubs may meet several times a week, quite often the sessions are focused on different groups. For example, some may be for beginners, some may be for postal shoots and some may be for performance training. By providing a breakdown of activity clubs can better promote themselves and Scottish Target Shooting can better inform members of the public when we receive enquiries from people interested in the sport.

To add training times for the club, select the 'Training Times' tab on the left hand side of the page (under the 'Club Profile' section) and click on the 'Add' button on the top right of the page.

A series of boxes will allow you to state the day of the week, start and finishing times, who the session is aimed at (e.g. juniors), the standard catered for (e.g. beginners, advanced, performance etc.) and to state if coaching is available at the session.


In shooting different clubs can operate out of the same venue and/or clubs may use more than one venue.

Due to these scenarios the club may have one central contact but want to record separate information for the venue they operate from.

Scottish Target Shooting asks that when affiliating, clubs provide contact information for their secretary and we will treat this information as confidential and only use it for correspondence by Scottish Target Shooting.

Clubs are then asked to complete the form provided on the right to inform the STS Office about the venue(s) used by the club.

Once this information has been provided, a venue record will be created on the system and clubs can link to this venue.

By providing this information, it also means Scottish Target Shooting can keep an up-to-date record of venues in Scotland and what services these venues can provide.

To provide information on the venue used by your club, select the 'Venues' tab on the left hand side of the page (under the 'Club Profile' section) and click on the 'Add' button on the top right and a list of available venues will appear. Select the venue(s) that the club uses.

If a venue used by the club isn't listed, please complete the form below and click 'Submit' to provide us with the required information for any new venue we put on the system:

Once completed, this form will be then sent to the STS Office where a member of the team will add the venue to the system and contact the club administrator to let them know that the club has been linked to this venue.

Club Details

The Additional Details section allows us to ask some important questions that may not have a suitable fit elsewhere in the system.

The postal league question enables Scottish Target Shooting to monitor the involvement of clubs in different postal competitions while the Primary Shooting discipline question determines whether a member is able to vote when a sport specific matter arises.

To provide this information, select the 'Additional Details' tab on the left hand side of the page (under the 'Club Details' section), click on the button 'Update Details', complete the information requested and click the 'Save' button.

Club Members

At Scottish Target Shooting we want the club membership system to be a useful tool for club, as well as individual members. As such, it has been designed to enable clubs to keep track of their members, see which of their members are affiliated to the governing body, allocate members roles and sign up new members up to the governing body. Still in its infancy, this section of the system will become increasingly useful to our member clubs, allowing them to easily manage club members without spending money on their own membership systems.

To review the members on the Scottish Target Shooting system linked to your club (to link to a club see the 'Guide to Managing Your Individual Membership Online'), select the 'Club Members' section. Here it is possible to see all members of the governing body linked to the club, arranged by membership status, club membership status or their role within the club. It is also possible to sign new members up to Scottish Target Shooting by selecting 'Add New Member' and then completing the personal details. This feature is helpful if club membership includes membership to the governing body or if the individual is unable to access a computer.


The final part of the registration process is the page for making your payment. On this page the details of what you are purchasing will be displayed. Any discounts that you are eligible for will be applied at this stage.

Scottish Target Shooting uses two service providers to ensure our online payment systems are safe, secure and compliant with all current regulations:

  1. Stripe provides the secure environment for all transactions involving payment by debit or credit card. (

  2. GoCardless is the company providing a secure environment for all Direct Debit payments. (

Examples of the payment screen members will be asked to complete can be found below:

Example Stripe Payment Screen

Example GoCardless Payment Screen

The Checkout page will display the total price for each item under the 'Item Summary'. Items can be removed by selected the 'Remove' button. If the quantity of any item is incorrect, change the number in the 'QTY' column and click the 'Update' button.

Once the items and quantities are correct, there is then the option to click either the 'Pay with Direct Debit' or 'Pay with Card' buttons.

Members are advised of the following:

  1. If you experience any problems paying, please contact the STS Office where we can take payment over the phone.

  2. STS will also accept payment by cheque. To pay using this method, please make the cheque payable to 'Scottish Target Shooting' for the correct amount and send it to the STS Office with a note explaining what the payment is for. One of the STS Team will contact you confirming safe receipt.

  3. Members are advised that once payment has been made, their account will show a transaction using Stripe or GoCardless and the payment reference will refer to GoMembership, the online membership service used by Scottish Target Shooting.