Scottish Target Shooting

Getting involved with STS

At Scottish Target Shooting we have a number of opportunities for volunteers and paid work. Any opportunities available with us or in the sport that we are made aware of will be presented on this page.

Scottish Target Shooting is an equal opportunities employer and has achieved the Preliminary Level of the Equality Standard.

Scottish Target Shooting is an equal opportunities employer and has achieved the Preliminary Level of the Equality Standard.

Board Vacancies

Scottish Target Shooting is a Company Limited by Guarantee that has only been accepting members since 29th February 2016. Through a process of appointment and election the Company is able to recruit members to the Board. The positions below are vacant positions. For non-elected positions, both members and non-members are invited to reply directly through submitting a CV and stating what skills you would bring and why you would be interested in the role:

Elected vacancies

On the Scottish Target Shooting Board, 6 positions are elected at the AGM. Only members are eligible to stand for these positions. All members can vote for the Sports Vice Chair but only members from the relevant discipline can vote for the AMG Chair for that discipline. Proxy voting is available for all elected positions. All elected and appointed posts on the Board serve a 3 year term and can serve for a maximum of 3 terms (if re-elected or re-appointed). The only exception is the Chair who serves a 4 year term for a maximum of 2 terms. The post(s) up for election at the next AGM are:

Appointed vacancies

On the Scottish Target Shooting Board, 7 positions are appointed to the Board. Anyone can apply for these positions regardless of whether they members, shooters or neither. Positions are made on a skills based appointment in accordance with the requirements of the post and the governing body. All elected and appointed posts on the Board serve a 3 year term and can serve for a maximum of 3 terms (if re-elected or re-appointed). The only exception is the Chair who serves a 4 year term for a maximum of 2 terms. The appointed post(s) we are currently recruiting for are:

Paid Opportunities

As a relatively new governing body, Scottish Target Shooting is growing every day both in terms of membership numbers and our activity and to meet these demands we will be looking to increase our workforce. Paid opportunities with Scottish Target Shooting will be advertised here. If there is nothing at present then make sure you check back regularly to see if anything new appears:



Volunteer Opportunities

As well as opportunities to be part of the Scottish Target Shooting Board and Staff, we also have a number of other voluntary roles, whether its serving on one of our Association Management Groups overseeing a particular discipline, or volunteering at one of our many events throughout the course of the year. Any opportunities to volunteer with Scottish Target Shooting will be displayed below: