50m Prone Rifle 2017 Summer Series: GP3

Around 30 competitors in four classes competed in the various competitions on offer, entrants came from far and wide. There was a good representation from the Borders, others travelled from Aberdeen, Huntly, and Clachnacuddin Clubs, and local shooters were also very much in evidence.

For the main aggregate in Class A, local shooters were to the fore, with H. Simpson, J. Campbell, and R. Campbell taking 1st, 2nd and 3rd places respectively.

In Class B Maria Bexley (Clachnacuddin) was the winner, with P. Richard (Pentland) in second place, followed by M. Smith (Huntly)

In Class C Won by G. Habiby (Huntly), with Sue Thomas (Dumfries) second, and G. Robertson (Stirkoke) in third place.

Class D was won by Tom Mackenzie (Westfield), with his brother Murray Mackenzie in second place.