50m Prone Rifle 2019 Summer Postal League: Round 3


Individual League report

We have a tie for first place in Div 1 with R.Simpson, I.Shanks and W.Copland on points but W.Copland has the better average overall.

At the moment Div 2 is a one horse race with P.Richards leading the pack by 6 points clear of T.Kenny

Div 3 is looking like it will be a race between B.Robertson and Billy Crawford

Div 4 at the moment looks like it will be between A.Angus and T.Whitley but this is only round 3 still seven more rounds to go


Team league.

Division 1

Ellon A have won their first three matches in Div 1

Larbert is close on the heels of Ellon A both with 6 points but Ellon A has the better gunscore of 1741 against Larbert,s 1730


Division 2

Ellon B has won its first three matches