50m Prone Rifle 2019 Summer Postal League: Round 4


STS Team prone League round 4  The North East of Scotland rules the roost

Div 1

Ellon A are keeping ahead of Larbert with a 2 point lead and a gunscore of 2329

Larbert,s  gunscore is 2306

Div 2

Ellon B is ahead of Strathearn B by 2 points and a gunscore of 1640

Streathearn has a gunscore of 1636

Individual League

Div 1    Richard Simpson is 2 points ahead of W.Copland

Div 2 P. Richard is leading the pack by 7 points in front of his nearest rival T.Kenny

Div 3 B.Robertson is holding onto his lead, being 5 points in front of Billy Crawford

Div 4 Sandy Angus is just a nose in front of his team mate T. Whitley by only 1 point

           in both the Aggregate and  League Points total