50m 3P Rifle 2018 Summer Series: GP5

Saturday 1 September saw the last 3P Grand Prix of the 2018 series take place at Denwood.  The weather and shooting conditions were much more pleasant than the previous weekend.  The Men's qualification saw Brogan Smith shoot a new Junior Men's Scottish record (to be ratified) of 1128.

This score proved popular with Vikki Walls also shooting 1128.  The combined final saw Ruaraidh Macleod win with 442.6.

Athletes in action at the 3P final

The Women's 3P series was retained by Sheena Sharp with 42 points and the Men's 3P series was retained by Ruaraidh Macleod with 53 points.

Series winners Ruaraidh Macleod and Sheena Sharp (L to R)

The results, especially the score cards from the Megalink software, can be found using the link below.

Congratulations to this series' winners and well done to all those that have competed this summer.

I hope to see you all in May 2019 for the start of the 2019 series.

Report & Photos by Gavin Walker