10m Air Rifle 2019-20 Grand Prix Series: GP1

Sunday 13 October saw the 2019-20 Grand Prix series start and we must thank RWS for sponsoring the prizes again for this series.  The venue for GP1 was Roseisle Village Hall and there were 14 competitors, with some new entrants, some returning and some regulars. The score to beat in the 60-shot match was that of Vikki Walls, who shot 620.6, which was a new personal best for her.

 The Classes winners were

Class A: 1st Vikki Walls, 2nd Sarah Henderson Class B: 1st Jack Greene, 2nd Kay Copland Class C: 1st Lauren Rogers Class D: 1st Rhona Love, 2nd Sam Johnson

 1st place received 2 tins of RWS pellets and 2nd place received 1 tin.

 Sheena had her £5 entry for the extra shoot refunded as her extra shoot was better than her main competition shoot.

 In the final, Vikki Walls took 1st place from Jack Greene in 2nd place.

Sheena Sharp finished in 3rd place.

Next month, GP2 will be at the Denwood Range in Aberdeen.