10m Air Rifle 2019-20 Grand Prix Series: GP2

Sunday 10 November saw the 2019-20 Grand Prix series move to the Denwood range in Aberdeen. It was a good turnout with 21 competitors. I heard that Lauren Rogers and Rebecca Smith both set new personal bests in the qualification, congratulations to them.

The Classes winners, who received tins of RWS pellets, were :

Class A: 1st Vikki Walls, 2nd Isabel Stark
Class B: 1st Jack Greene, 2nd Sheena Sharp
Class C: 1st Lauren Rogers, 2nd Bertie Galloway
Class D: 1st Rebecca Smith, 2nd Rhona Love

In the final, Vikki Walls took 1st place with a score of 250.6 which she thinks is a new personal best score in a final.

In 2nd place was Isabel Stark, with Jack Greene in 3rd place.

See “Results” below for a pdf with all the scores and the points table so far. This includes averages with integer scores as additional information. 

Next month, GP3 will be at the Kincardine Target Sports Centre in Alloa.