10m Air Rifle 2019-20 Grand Prix Series: GP3

Sunday 8 December saw the 2019-20 Grand Prix series move to Kincardine.

16 competitors made it through heavy rain and strong winds to get to the competition. Rhona Love and Rebecca Smith both set new personal bests in the qualification, congratulations to them.


The Classes winners, who received tins of RWS pellets, were Class A: 1st Vikki Walls, 2nd James Paterson Class B: 1st Rebecca Smith, 2nd Graham Love Class C: 1st Bertie Galloway, 2nd Angus Strudick Class D: 1st Rhona Love, 2nd Rory Donaldson


Because there are only six lanes at the Kincardine range and James Paterson was unable to stay, the finalists were Rebecca Smith, in her first final, Ruaraidh Macleod, Jack Greene, Robin Law, Vikki Walls and Tom Diggle. In the final, Vikki Walls took 1st place with a score of 250.5 only 0.1 below her score from GP2.  In 2nd place was Tom Diggle with Jack Greene in 3rd place.

See “Results” below for a pdf with all the scores and the points table so far. This includes averages with integer scores as additional information. 

Next month, GP4 will be in Carlisle on Saturday 11th January 2020.