Scottish Long Range Championships 2019

The Scottish Long Range Championships was held at the Jubilee Range Glen Tilt 29th June - 30st July.

Conditions on Saturday were light winds so scoring was quite high. Sunday was more difficult with rain, poor visibility (had to stop twice because the targets disappeared in the rain/mist) and wind was very tricky, especially in the afternoon so there was only 1 score of 70 in the final 1000X shoot.

Stan Frost, who has competed in the meeting for the last fifteen years, gave an interesting explanation of how that came about. He was to be a member of a DCRA rifle team from Canada, a visit suggested by the late Bill Sharman (or Womble to his friends). In the event all of the team except Stan dropped out, and both he and more importantly his Wife, enjoyed the visit so much, they have been coming back ever since. Stan presented Tim with a DCRA plaque in appreciation.