Scottish Pistol Shooters Selected onto British Pistol Talent Academy

Congratulations to Scottish Pistol Shooters Lucy Evans and Isobel Mactaggart who have been selected onto British Shooting’s Pistol Talent Academy for 2020/21.

As part of the Programme, Development Academies will be delivered across Scotland, England and Wales and will act as key feeders into the Talent Academy and Home Nations Performance Programmes. Scottish Target Shooting is looking forward to delivering the Scottish Pistol Development Academy, and is delighted to announce that the undernoted Pistol Shooters have been selected for the Scottish Academy.

Nicola Coggle
Hamish McDonald
Andrew Walker
Elspeth Wardman

Iain Aberdeen, Talent Academy Head Coach said “This is a fantastic evolution of our existing talent pathway with a growth in numbers and a move to Development Academies across the Home Countries”.

“We have such a high number of young talented athletes the future is very promising for British pistol shooting and I am looking forward to supporting all the existing and newly selected Talent and Development Academies on their journey to success. There will be an exciting blend of both virtual and face-to-face delivery throughout the year which will challenge both the athletes and coaches in a positive way and lead to positive developments for all involved.”

Further information on the Pistol Talent Pathway can be found on the British Shooting Website