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50m 3P and Prone Restart Shoots - July 21

Welcome back to 50m Shooting.

Scottish Target Shooting is very pleased to announce that, finally, you can shoot in an event again. It feels like it has been a very long time.

Booking is open for a 3P and Prone Restart Shoot on Saturday 10 (3P) and Sunday 11 (Prone) July 21 at the Denwood range in Aberdeen. Spaces will be limited due to social distancing so don’t wait too long before securing a place in the competitions.

Please Note : Only 10 lanes will be available at Denwood Outdoor Range

Your Health and Safety
Your health and safety are a priority with Scottish Target Shooting (STS) and we ask that you comply with all regional Covid regulations and any further measures in place for this event.

Any updates to Covid safety information will be provided before each event.

Event Entry Price
We advise booking early due to the limited range space.

  • Juniors, Full Time Students and Shooters with a Disability
    STS Member £15.00 / Non Member £22.50

  • Adult
    STS Member £22.50 / Non Member £30.00

How to Book
Online booking is in place for both events.

Find Out More and Book your entry on the 3P Restart Event on Saturday 10 July HERE

Find Out More and Book your entry on the Prone Restart Event on Sunday 11 July HERE