STS 2016 AGM

This year will see the first Annual General Meeting of Scottish Target Shooting, being held on Saturday 30th April.

All members are welcome to come along to this, the first AGM of the new body.

Details of the AGM can be found in the events section on the members' database. Members are encouraged to log in to their profile and visit the events section where they can register their intention to attend.

At the meeting we will be looking to approve updates to the existing Articles and also elect the new Board of Scottish Target Shooting, along with Associate Management Group Chairs to oversee the running of each discipline. These elections are the first time the members will be able to choose the people to be part of the new Board so it is important members have their say.

We appreciate that for a number of reasons not everyone will be able to make the journey to the AGM so we have made provisions for you to still be involved. Proxy Voting forms have been emailed out to members and allow members to vote on the issues being discussed at the AGM. If you are a member and require a copy of the AGM papers then please contact

The current Board and Staff of STS look forward to welcoming members to our first AGM on 30th April 2016..
