Team Scotland Launches Sports Awards

Nominations are now open for the Team Scotland Scottish Sports Awards 2016.

Do YOU know a person, team or organisation who embodies the best of sport in Scotland?

From our champions on the world stage to those who help to transform lives through sport, it's incredibly committed people who make Scottish sport great!

Nominations are NOW OPEN for the new Team Scotland Scottish Sports Awards.

This is your opportunity to ensure the people who help to put Scotland on the sporting map receive the recognition they deserve. If you’re inspired by a star athlete, motivated by a great leader or proud of a sports group in your community, we want to know. If there is someone you wish to nominate, contact the Scottish Target Shooting Office today and tell us why they should be rewarded for their success or hard work behind the scenes.

Award Categories:

  • Emirates Lonsdale Trophy – 2016 Scottish Sportsperson of the Year*
  • Male Athlete of the Year
  • Female Athlete of the Year
  • Para-Sport Athlete of the Year
  • Young Athlete of the Year – Sir Peter Heatly Trophy
  • Team of the Year
  • Sport Governing Body of the Year
  • Coach of the Year
  • Community Sport Hub/Club/School of the Year
  • Sports Leader of the Year
  • Legacy 2014
  • Sporting Moment of the Year
  • Team Scot of the Year**

*Will be selected from the winners of Male Athlete, Female Athlete, Para-sport Athlete and Team of the Year. **Will be selected by Team Scotland.

From the nominations received, up to three finalists in each category will be short-listed and invited as guests of Team Scotland to the Awards – a star-studded celebration of Scottish sport on Wednesday 28th September, 2016.

Time is of the essence:

  • Nominations for Community Sport Hub / Club / School of the Year close on 30 June
  • Nominations for Young Athlete, Sports Leader, Governing Body and Legacy 2014 awards close on 24 July
  • Nominations for Athlete, Coach, Team and Sporting Moment of the Year will close on 19 September, following the Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games – the climax of the 2016 sporting calendar.

Nominations must be made by the sport's governing body so if you have someone you would like to put forward for any of the awards above then let us know.

For more information about the awards and the nomination process, please see the CGS website



