Full-Bore Rifle Squad at Canadian National Championships (DCRA) 2017

In August, 5 out of the 7 in the Full-Bore Rifle squad shot in the Canadian National Championships (DCRA Meeting) on the Connaught Ranges near Ottawa. Three of the squad (Ian Shaw, Sandy Walker and Angus McLeod) were members of the GB team shooting the meeting after arriving triumphant from their team and individual successes in British Columbia the week before. The other two (Mike Barlow and Lindsey McKerrell) were accompanied by the HPS coach (Lindsay Peden).

The Scots had outstanding individual successes and won many trophies between them, including the prestigious Grand Aggregate and Governor General’s prize. Ian, Sandy and Angus shot in both the international matches for GB, with Angus top scoring in the Long Range match and maintaining his outstanding record of shooting possible for GB in both matches for his 3 visits with the GB team to Connaught. Lindsey McKerrell shot in both the international matches for GB U-25’s, top scoring in the short range match and equalling top score in the long range match. In the short range match she shot an outstanding 50 with 10 centrals, taking only 3 minutes to complete her shoot – the GB team firers shooting alongside had only fired 3 of their shots by the time that Lindsey had finished.

 Lindsey in GB U-25 Match

 Lindsey in GB U-25 Match

However, the major highlight of the meeting was Ian Shaw pulling off the double by winning both the Grand Aggregate and the Governor General’s prize, the latter requiring his team mates to carry him off the range to the DCRA pavilion to collect his prize. The team were in good training for this, as they had to do the same for Angus in British Columbia about 10 days earlier where he won the Lt Governor’s prize. In winning the Governor’s Ian did not drop a point over 5 ranges, but still only won because he had a superior V count (number of centrals). This double followed Angus’s similar achievement in 2016 and also meant that the Grand Aggregate had been won on 3 successive years by a Scot, with Lindsay Peden winning in 2015 and Angus in 2016.

Detailed results from the meeting follow, with only top 20 finishes out of the field of around 190 being reported, other than the Grand Aggregate and Governor General’s.

Army and Navy Veterans                                   Angus 5th

Canada Team Match                                           GB 1198.158 Canada 1188.142 Ian 150.18, Angus                                                                                 150.20,  Sandy 148.23

Champlain Aggregate                                        Lindsey McKerrell 13th

Commonwealth Match                                       GB 1190.125 Canada 1181.134 Ian 99.12, Angus                                                                             100.13,  Sandy 98.11

Dick Hampton Aggregate                                 Ian 3rd, Angus 14th

Gatineau                                                             Lindsey McKerrell 19th

Gibson                                                                Ian 4th, Angus 6th, Sandy 12th, Mike 16th

Gil Boa Aggregate                                             Ian 1st (after tie shoot), Sandy 3rd, Angus 4th

Gooderham                                                        Ian 9th, Angus19th

Governor General’s                                           Ian 1st, Sandy 6th, Lindsay Peden 9th, Angus 12th,                                                                            Mike 27th

Gzowski Aggregate                                           Ian 3rd, Angus 4th, Sandy 14th, Mike 16th

Klondike Aggregate                                           Angus 7th, Lindsey McKerrell 20th

Mike Walker Aggregate                                     Ian 2nd, Angus 5th, Sand 11th, Mike 15th, Lindsey                                                                             McKerrell 19th

MacDonald Stewart Grand Aggregate              Ian 1st, Angus 5th, Sandy 12th, Lindsey McKerrell                                                                             23rd and Mike 24th

MacDougall                                                         Angus 3rd, Sandy 4th, Ian 7th, Lindsey McKerrell                                                                                 17th

Maple Leaf Aggregate                                       Ian 4th, Angus 9th, Sandy 15th

Norman Beckett                                                 Ian 5th, Angus 11th, Sandy 20th              

Ottawa Regiment                                               Ian 1st (after tie shoot)

Patrons                                                                Lindsay Peden 1st, Ian 4th, Sandy 6th, Angus 17th,                                                                              Mike 25th

Polar Bear Aggregate                                         Ian 1st, Angus 5th, Sandy 11th

Presidents                                                            Ian 4th, Angus 10th, Sandy 12th

Short Range Aggregate (300m)                        Ian 4th, Angus 5th, Lindsey McKerrell 19th

Tess Spencer (ladies only)                                  Lindsey McKerrell 3rd

Tilton                                                                    Sandy 1st, Lindsey McKerrell 6th

U-25 Short Range                                                Canada U-25 1167.112 GB U-25 1157.95 Lindsey                                                                               McKerrell 149.23

U-25 Long Range                                                 GB U-25 773.61 Canada U-25 757.53 Lindsey McKerrell 98.8   

Photo Credits:

Ian Chaired as Governor General's Prize Winner - GBRT 2017

All other photographs - Lindsay Peden