Scottish Schools International Smallbore Target Rifle Match 2020

We are delighted to announce that the undernoted have been selected to represent Scotland at the Scottish Schools International Smallbore Target Rifle Match 2020.  This is a Postal Competition and nominations were sought from all Clubs in Scotland.

Athletes must be at school with an average over 93 on 10 Bull targets, with the top 12 becoming Team A and the next 12 the B Team.

We have a team of 10 for the match and 2 reserves for each team. The pupils shoot their two cards in their own range between the 17th Feb and the 9th March and return the cards to Ian Thomson. The match is against schools from England , Wales , Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands.

 A Team

Daisy Armstrong                       Sedbergh

Lilly Brechin                               George Watson’s College

Callum Chen                              Dollar Academy

Rory Donaldson                        George Watsons College   

Bertie Galloway                        Merchiston Castle School

Lauren Hastie                            St Leonards School

Olivia Hutt                                 Dollar Academy        

Andrew Hynd                            Dollar Academy

Neasa O’Connell                       George Watson’s College

Lucy Richards                            George Watson’s College

William Somerville                   George Watson’s College 

Charlotte Stirling                      Dollar Academy   

 B Team

Francesca Calder                       St Leonards School

Virginia Carmen                         Dollar Academy           

Johnnie Dodds                           Merchiston Castle School

Caitlin Green                              Thurso High School

Finlay Johnston                          Dollar Academy

Logan Murray                             Fettes College

Scott Murray                              Wellington College

Sarah Rorison                             Sedbergh  

Rebecca Smith                           Robert Gordons College

Ellie Trace                                   Dollar Academy

Jay Tracey                                   Musselburgh Grammar School 

Charles Tuke                               Merchiston Castle School