STS Performance Programme for 2020-21: One Week Left to Apply

We are still taking applications for the STS Performance Programme for 2020-21 but those wishing to apply only have one week left as the application window closes on 31 August 2020! The full selection policy can be found on the ‘Getting Selected’ page on the STS website (link provided at the bottom of this article) along with the online application form for hopeful athletes. We are keen to make sure that no one misses out on this opportunity so please remember:

  • Applications are open to non-STS members (although STS membership must be taken out if accepted on to the programme);

  • Our programme is fully inclusive so we welcome applications from all athletes, including para athletes; and

  • We are also considering applications for Talent Transfer from athletes currently competing in non-Olympic/Paralympic disciplines or events so if you are a talented athlete in a non-ISSF discipline, we still want to hear from you.

STS appreciates the disruption the COVID-19 pandemic has had to the normal competition calendar and understands that many athletes will have had fewer opportunities than normal to meet Minimum Consideration Scores (MCS), if indeed they have had any opportunity at all. Where there has been significant disruption to the competition calendar (predominantly within Shotgun and 50m Rifle events) we will look to take a pragmatic approach to selection and would encourage affected athletes to submit what information they can. This will be reviewed in context and current exceptional circumstances considered so do not let the lack of opportunity to compete put you off applying.

In view of the current circumstances, it is unlikely we will be able to conduct on-range assessments in person and as such we are considering alternative solutions. Applicants will be updated on any changes in due course. In lieu of an on-range assessment, we may request supplementary evidence which could include evidence from competitions where the format or course of fire does not meet ISSF or IPC regulations (e.g. 100 target shotgun shoots or NSRA 3-Card system), or data collected from training (such as SCATT files and training scores). Any interviews will be conducted remotely by the STS Performance & Pathways Manager in conjunction with the discipline specific Performance Coach where possible.

The application window will close just before midnight on 31st August so those wishing to be considered have one week left to apply. Athletes successful in this process will look to be inducted in to the programme in October.

We welcome all applications and if you have any questions about the process or the programme, please contact