Important Notice - Scottish 10m Air Pistol & Rifle Championships - Suspension of Bookings

Important Notice

In the afternoon of 27 January 2022 STS received a communication from Napier University stating that due to the impact of COVID on staff availability, it has impaired their ability to open the facility for the length of time originally booked, and therefore the ability of STS to deliver the 2022 Scottish Air Pistol & Rifle Championships. STS has taken the decision to temporarily suspend bookings until such time as a solution can be found.

Those wanting to compete but not yet registered can still use the waiting list option to register their interest - we will then contact these individuals directly when a solution has been found to notify of booking reopening.

Athletes already registered will be contacted directly (using the email provided on booking) to explain the circumstances, the steps being taken and the options available to them.

It is our desire to find a satisfactory resolution to this situation ASAP as we appreciate entry to this event will also carry with it considerations for travel, accommodation and other commitments/arrangements.

A further update will be provided by 6 February at the latest but in the meantime, please note that the details below are advisory and may be subject to change.