Trevor Hastings

We are sad to announce the passing of Trevor Hasting from Bon Accord Rifle Club.


Trevor’s involvement with Bon Accord Rifle Club spanned over 3 decades including a period as Chair.  He was one of the clubs top performers and his shooting achievements are many.


Despite being Irish, under residency rules he was able to be capped for Scotland and  between 1990 and 2002 he shot in 9 Scottish International Teams at the Home Countries matches at the annual Scottish Championships.  He also travelled as part of the Scottish Team to the Ulster Games.


Bon Accord Rifle Club has for many years been one of the most successful rifle clubs in the UK regularly winning British short range  team of four, team of six and team of eight championships and Scottish Team of six Championships and Trevor was a key member of those teams which not only won  their competitions but also set new British Team record scores.   Trevor was also a regular member of the Aberdeenshire County Teams.


Trevor was extremely well liked and respected in the shooting community and, as he did in all aspects of his life, brought tremendous value to every activity in which he was engaged.


Ian Shanks

Bon Accord Rifle Club