The same conditions as last year were followed in that there was no fixed match period. The stickers were sent to the country organisers in January and the teams could start shooting as soon as the stickers had been distributed after selection. The closing date was 23rd May.
England won the match quite comfortably but with the lowest winning total since 2014.
Wales found a complete team this time and perhaps surprised themselves by coming second, beating Scotland into third place by seven points.
The Channel Islands were only a point behind in fourth, beating their last score (in 2020) by 23 points, so taking a year out from this match doesn't seem to have done them any harm at all.
England's B team would have been second in the A teams match, once again demonstrating their considerable strength in depth.
All the A teams exceeded 1900 points, something not seen since 2008. Unfortunately, local conditions in Northern Ireland prevented them from competing again.
There were four 'possibles' shot this year. These were achieved by W Bacon and L Horsman Carpenter of England A, Miss H Grindon of England B and O Hughes of Wales. Congratulations to them all.
Report by W Hamilton
BSSRA 2022 Match Summary