Gallery Rifle

Help Us To Better Understand Shooting Facilities in Scotland

Help Us To Better Understand Shooting Facilities in Scotland

In 2024, we are relaunching the survey and are asking as many clubs to complete this as possible to inform the development of our facility strategy and how best to direct support to shooting clubs. Visit the article on the STS website by clicking here to learn more and take part in the survey...

Final Results: 2024 Scottish Gallery Rifle & Pistol Championships

Final Results: 2024 Scottish Gallery Rifle & Pistol Championships

The STS Gallery Rifle AMG organised the Scottish Gallery Rifle Championship 2024 that took place on Friday 5th to Sunday 7th July at the Joint Services Pistol Club. The organisers are now pleased to publish a copy of the final results following the deadline for challenging provisional results which closed on 10 July. A full report will follow later.

Provisional Results: 2024 Scottish Gallery Rifle & Pistol Championships

Provisional Results: 2024 Scottish Gallery Rifle & Pistol Championships

The STS Gallery Rifle AMG organised the Scottish Gallery Rifle Championship 2024 that took place on Friday 5th to Sunday 7th July at the Joint Services Pistol Club. Ahead of publishing a full report, below are a list of the provisional results - challenges to these results must be sent to Scott Lyon, Gallery Rifle AMG Chair by the end of 10 July 2024.

German Open 2023 Scotland Gallery - Match Report

German Open 2023 Scotland Gallery - Match Report

Two members of the Scotland Gallery Rifle & Pistol Team travelled to the Leitmar Germany to compete in the Gallery Rifle & Pistol German Open from Friday 10th to Sunday 12th November. The competition consisted of individual events, team events and the IGRF International Matches. Jonny Cormie was also selected to shoot for the Gallery Rifle Centre Fire GB Team at this competition.

STS Responses to Home Office & Scottish Government Consultations

STS Responses to Home Office & Scottish Government Consultations

There have been a couple of consultations over the last few months by the Home Office and Scottish Government that have been of relevance to the target shooting community. Both closed on 23 August 2023, with STS submitting responses to both. STS is pleased to share copies of these responses. Read on to see copies of these of responses…