The Smallbore AMG is pleased to confirm the following individuals have been selected to compete in this season’s New Zealand Match. Congratulations to the following athletes…
North Island, New Zealand Match 2024
North Island New Zealand Match Results for 2023
New Zealand Match
Results from the North Island New Zealand Match
I am delighted to report that the annual short-range prone match against the North Island, New Zealand, has been restarted, and for the first time Scotland shot entirely on electronic targets. The junior team shot at St Andrews on Saturday 8th October, and the senior team at Denwood in Aberdeen on Sunday 9th October. Read on to find out how both teams got on…
Scotland Teams Confirmed for New Zealand Match
Re-Starting the Prone Rifle North Island, New Zealand Match
Scotland's only “postal” indoor international match for prone rifle dates back to 1974, and is shot annually against a team from the North Island, New Zealand. This year, teams will be selected entirely from scores shot in indoor competitions. Anyone wishing to submit other indoor scores, please contact Donald McIntosh (or the STS Office at ASAP, as teams will be selected in the next week or so.