
Permitted Development Rights Review - Phase 3 Consultation

Permitted Development Rights Review - Phase 3 Consultation

A consultation was published by the Scottish Government on the 31st May that contains a section that covers Temporary Use of Land: Shooting Ranges. Section 6.2 and Question 30 of the consultation relate to the particular issue of 'Shooting Ranges'. Read on…

STS Memberships for 2023 to go live next week!

STS Memberships for 2023 to go live next week!

STS is nearly ready to launch our memberships for 2023 and we’re excited to release this at some point next week but before we do, we wanted to let everyone know about some of the changes that are coming…

Scotland Win 2022 European Long Range Championships

Scotland Win 2022 European Long Range Championships

Over the weekend of 8th and 9th October the NRA held the 13th European Long Range Championships on the Stickledown Range at Bisley. The competition was for teams of 12 shooters plus coaches and the course of fire was 2 convertible sighters and 15 counting shots at 900 and 1000 yards on both Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon and a final 1000 yard shoot on Sunday morning. The more challenging ICFRA long range targets were used rather than the NRA long range target. 4 teams entered for the Championship: Scotland, England, Wales and Channel Islands. Read on…

Shooting Confirmed for Victoria 2026

Shooting Confirmed for Victoria 2026

On Wednesday 5th October the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) confirmed the additional sports to be added to the programme of Victora 2026 on the back of completing the Phase 2 process. STS welcomes the news that shooting has been added to the programme and is looking forward to sending a Scottish shooting team to compete for medals and the sport getting improved coverage

Death of Queen Elizabeth II

Death of Queen Elizabeth II

All at Scottish Target Shooting are deeply saddened by the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, at the age of 96, as many of our members and partners will be too. Her Majesty was always a huge supporter of sport and the role it plays in society, keenly demonstrated by her unwavering support for the Commonwealth Games and her connection and patronage with shooting organisations such as the NRA and NSRA. Read on for the UK Government’s published guidance…

Update to Shooting COVID Guidance

Update to Shooting COVID Guidance

As a result of the Scottish Government lifting all covid rules and restrictions, Scottish Target Shooting COVID-19 Guidance has been withdrawn. Despite restrictions being lifted, covid (and other viruses) remains present in our communities so clubs are still encouraged to consult with members on putting in place/maintaining appropriate and proportional hygiene arrangements to ensure all members can continue their involvement in the sport. STS would like to express its thanks to our individual members and member clubs for their patience, support, and efforts to uphold public safety and a return to safe shooting.

Scottish Firearms Bodies Launch Campaign to Raise Awareness About Mental Health Support

Scottish Firearms Bodies Launch Campaign to Raise Awareness About Mental Health Support

On 28 July 2022, a leaflet providing information on mental health support for firearms license holders has been released by members of the Scottish Firearms Licensing Practitioners Group. The group is composed of organisations who represent those with shooting interests in Scotland, the Scottish Government and Police Scotland. The leaflet aims to highlight the support that is available to certificate holders (as well as their family, friends and fellow club members) and outlines to people with concerns how they can seek help. Read on to find out more…

Shooting Australia Calls for Shooting Community to Get Behind 'Shoot for the Games 2026' Campaign

Shooting Australia Calls for Shooting Community to Get Behind 'Shoot for the Games 2026' Campaign

On 20 July Shooting Australia launched a social media campaign entitled ‘Shoot for the Games 2026’ as the next step in Shooting’s bid to be included in the Victoria (VIC) 2026 Commonwealth Games. STS calls upon its members to get behind this campaign and share the key messages where possible, using the hashtags #ShootForTheGames2026 and #commonwealthgames2026 and tagging @CommGamesAus to show the support the movement is getting.

Scots Fight for Medals at the 2022 British Commonwealth Rifle Club Championships

Scots Fight for Medals at the 2022 British Commonwealth Rifle Club Championships

Due to the fact the British Commonwealth Rifle Club (BCRC) Championships, held at Bisley on the 2-3 July, was only two weeks before the National Championships and shot with the same ammunition, it meant most of the UK top shots attend the meeting, including Canadian and Australian athletes that had reached Bisley early specifically to shoot in this meeting. Read on to see how the Scottish athletes got on in such a tough field…

Report from Full Bore 2022 Scottish Open

Report from Full Bore 2022 Scottish Open

The annual Full Bore Scottish Meeting is held on the Jubilee Range on the Duke of Atholl’s estate in Blair Atholl. It is one of the most scenic ranges in the world, but is famed for its very confusing winds, which often bemuse the firers, particularly at the longer ranges of 900 and 1000 yards. Nonetheless, it always attracts some very strong shooters from England and Northern Ireland, so the meeting was once again fully subscribed. Read on to see how competitors fared at this year’s Scottish Open…

West of Scotland Compete in the Full Bore Inter Counties Weekend at Bisley

West of Scotland Compete in the Full Bore Inter Counties Weekend at Bisley

West of Scotland were the only region from Scotland to be represented in the NRA Inter County competition this year, taking place over the 11-12 June 2022 at Bisley. It is several years since the West could muster a team of 8 firers, as they usually could only shoot in the junior event for teams of 4 firers. However, this year they had a full team of 8 firers and two target coaches and, on paper, a team capable of a good result. Read on to see how the team got on…

Colin McEachran MBE

Colin McEachran MBE

It is with great regret that STS can confirm the sad passing of Colin McEachran on 21 May 2022. Colin was a true servant and promoter of shooting, leaving a positive and friendly impression with all of those who had the pleasure of working with and shooting alongside Colin. His infectious love for the sport was impossible to ignore and not catch when you spent time with Colin. The sympathies of everyone at STS goes to Colin’s family, friends and all those who knew him.

Colin was the inaugural winner of the Bob Aitken Service to Shooting Award in 2017 so we felt it was fitting to re-share this summary of his considerable involvement and contribution to not just shooting, but Scottish sport over more than 50 years…follow this link to read the summary.

CSF(ED) Wales 2022 - Expressions of Interest

CSF(ED) Wales 2022 - Expressions of Interest

For those not yet aware, Wales have announced that they will host a Commonwealth Shooting Federation (European Division) (otherwise known as CSFED) competition in September 2022. The shooting programme is extensive and STS is seeking expressions of interest from athletes with a desire to be considered for selection in the events listed not currently supported by the performance programme. For clarity, read on…

STS Staff Availability over the Festive Season

STS Staff Availability over the Festive Season

2021 has been a difficult and relentless year for everyone so we hope members respect the fact that the STS staff will be taking a well deserved break over the festive season. After 17 December all STS staff will be on leave for the festive season. Read on to find out where to direct enquiries during this time…

Police Scotland Advises Clubs with Renewals Due in 2022 to Submit Applications Early

Police Scotland Advises Clubs with Renewals Due in 2022 to Submit Applications Early

STS has been contacted by Police Scotland to advise that in 2022 they will be faced with a large number of club renewals which may lead to some delays or longer than usual processing times. Read on…