STS COVID-19 Webinar Programme Update (15 June)

STS COVID-19 Webinar Programme
Update (15 June)

STS COVID-19 Webinar Programme

To help members during this time of lock down, STS has scheduled a series of online webinars on areas of interest expressed by members through our education survey.

This Week’s Session

This week we are hosting a session called Shotgun - Maximising Your Training Sessions. The session will focus on how to get the most out of your training by looking at elements of session planning and season planning that will apply to both the current lock down situation, as well as after restrictions have been lifted to make sure you are not just putting in the hours but putting those hours to good use.

As mentioned, this session will be useful to not only athletes but also coaches old and new. We hope that as well as providing some fantastic insight using our world class coach, the session can also inspire some good debate among attendees. Delivered by world class shotgun coach Marco Micheli, its one you wont want to miss so get signed up now!

Last Week’s Session

Last week’s session, A Shooting Mindset - Shooting Psychology for Athletes and Coaches, was the first session we have recorded so if you were not able to make this session you can take the opportunity to watch or listen back to it now. While this session was over video, it is also suitable to listen back as an audio recording so both options are provided below (password: STS-Webinar3)

New Additions

STS can confirm that we have now added another 2 sessions to our exciting programme:

Getting the Best Out of Your Scatt - Deeper Drive follows on from the successful course on Scatt held at the end of May, this course will follow on from that to help show pistol and rifle how to get the best out of your Scatt, whether you are an athlete wanting to train more effectively or a coach wanting to know how best to use the Scatt at the club to get the most out of your athletes.

Despite following on from the previous session, it will be still be meaningful to people unable to make the first session as this will take a deeper dive into some discipline specific elements following a request for this after the last session. Find out more and book on.

Strength and Conditioning Training for Shooters will be delivered by one of Scotland’s top strength and conditioning experts with experience across a range of sports, including shooting, and will provide hints and tips of exercises and routines to help you both in and out of lockdown so your body is well conditioned to the rigours, stresses and strains of shooting to both help you prepare for competition but also help your longevity in the sport. Find out more and book on.

About The Sessions

The programme has been designed to include a mix of sessions to appeal to shooters of every different discipline and every standard. Some will focus on specific disciplines and some may be more high performance related but it has been designed to provide something for everyone, responding to the requests received from members.

In general, most sessions will run on a Tuesday evening to allow people at work to still get involved. For the majority, the sessions will run from 6-7pm and will be free for all members to attend. Session may over run slightly but we will endeavour to finish on time.

Initial sessions will be quite broad but where there is clear demand and interest in a topic, we will look to provide more in depth dives on a future date.

The majority of the sessions will be hosted by STS and run in an informal manner with presentations and discussions on topics of interest, with the opportunities for you to ask questions. However some, such as the course on child protection, are officially recognised courses, hosted by external partners and on completion of the course those attending will receive certification to prove they have completed the course.

We have tried to make the programme as varied as possible but are always open to suggestions. If you would like to let us know your suggestions, please complete our education survey.

Sessions In the Programme

To date, the sessions confirmed in the programme so far include:

You can book on to any of these confirmed courses using the links provided.

Future Sessions

The above sessions are confirmed but we are also in conversations with colleagues in the shooting and sporting community about delivering online webinars to you on the follow topics:

  • first aid for shooting

  • session with British Shooting to speak to members about coach and athlete development

  • nutrition for shooters in lock down

If you have any suggestions for courses, you can let us know by completing our short online form.

How Can I Find Out More

STS will list everything in its COVID-19 Webinar Programme on its website under the events section where further details about each course will be provided. A link to all webinars in the programme will also appear on the front page of the STS website. On signing up to each event, members will be receive a confirmation email providing the necessary details for attending the session.

How To Book

Booking on to each course is easy. Either use the links provided above or visit the events page on the STS website and go to the event in question. In the page that opens you will be presented with more details about the event, along with the booking form embedded in the page but also provided as a link if the page is not displaying properly for you. On booking on to the event, you will receive an email with the details for attending the session.

Need Help?

If you need help or have any questions about any of the sessions, please contact us at