STS Updates COVID-19 Document with Phase 2 Guidance

STS Updates COVID-19 Document with Phase 2 Guidance

The Scottish Government confirmed on 18 June 2020 that due to the positive action and response to date by the Scottish public, Scotland would be entering into Phase 2 of the Scottish Government route map to recovery. Moving to Phase 2 is a clear, positive and welcome step forward in Scotland’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Full details of Phase 2 guidance can be found at:

From a target shooting perspective, Phase 2 does not mean a significant change to the guidelines issued for Phase 1 but it is moving in the right direction and bring us one step closer to increased activity. STS would like to acknowledge and thank the shooting community for its patience, continued respect of the guidelines, and careful and measured approach towards restarting activity, all of which has led us to this next positive step.

In response to this announcement, as before STS has been working with sportscotland and consulted with the Scottish Clay Target Association, Police Scotland and our insurance brokers at Bluefin Sport to update the guidance we provided following Phase 1. The whole of the document has been slightly adjusted to allow future Phases to be added to the end in order to provide a comprehensive but easy to use guide, with the significant changes highlighted in the last few pages. This document now supersedes and replaces the guidance issued after the announcement of Phase 2.

We also understand that clubs have been asking about resources that we can provide to support them and we will continue to develop these or signpost clubs to where they can find these as we go through the phased return to sport.

Finally, we would like thank you all for your support, understanding and patience once again. We look forward to working with you to support the phased return of shooting and hope that we will be able to progress on to Phase 3 in the coming weeks.