STS Issues Phase 1 Guidance for Shooting in Scotland

STS Issues Phase 1 Guidance for Shooting in Scotland

On Thursday 28th May 2020, the Scottish First Minister confirmed that Phase 1 of the recovery plan would be enacted as a result of the improved situation in Scotland regarding the spread of COVID-19. Phase 1 came into force on Friday 29 May and enables a relaxation of lockdown around some outdoor exercise, meaning that some sporting activities can now be undertaken outdoors, providing all activity is consistent with current Scottish Government guidance on health, physical distancing and hygiene – information on Scottish Governments approach to managing covid-19 is available at

In response to this announcement, STS has been working with sportscotland and consulted with the Scottish Clay Target Association, Police Scotland and our insurance brokers at Bluefin Sport to prepare and agree guidance for shooting clubs, in alignment with the guidance issued by the Scottish Government, to support the return of OUTDOOR shooting where safe to do so.

In preparing the guidance we have also been working from guidance already issued by the National Smallbore Rifle Association and Clay Pigeon Shooting Association to ensure that, where possible, we are not issuing conflicting information. However, with each Home Nation having devolved responsibility to responding to this pandemic, there will inevitably be some differences so please take time to read the guidance carefully. We have provided it in 2 versions, a full colour copy for sharing by email but also a simpler version that will be easier to print.

Recognising each club is different, it will be the responsibility of each club committee to consider the guidance and decide the most suitable procedures and timescales for reopening outdoor facilities, grounds and/or ranges.

Finally, this will be a working document so we will keep members updated with significant changes as and when they are made. We also will now move on to consider guidance for the Phases 2 through to 4 and will issue this to members when ready. We hope the subsequent guidance will allow clubs unable to open in Phase 1 to begin planning a return to shooting in later Phases in a way that protects members from this pandemic.

We thank you all for your support and understanding and look forward to working with you to support the phased return of our sport.