COVID-19: Aberdeen Lockdown

Following an increase in coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Aberdeen, a number of local restrictions are being introduced in the Aberdeen City local authority area. These restrictions come into force at 5pm today (Wednesday 5 August). 

People in Aberdeen City are asked not to meet other households indoors or travel more than 5 miles for leisure or recreational purposes. For our members and clubs in Aberdeen, please be aware of the local travel restrictions now being applied in we would recommend clubs operating in that area to advise your members.

The Scottish Government is also advising people not to travel to Aberdeen while the restrictions are in place, however people can continue to travel for work, or education purposes.

Bars, restaurants, cafes and pubs will be required by law to close, this includes such premises operated by sports organisations. Full details are available on the Scottish Government Website. Scottish Government has indicated that these changes will be reviewed after 7 days.

This is a reminder that the virus has not gone away and re-emphasises the importance of everyone adhering to the existing guidance. We know that sport will continue to play its part in supressing the spread of the virus but it can also play its role in informing members and setting examples by acting responsibly.

We are sorry that people in Aberdeen are seeing these restrictions in place and would urge them to follow the guidance being applied to the area to ensure activity there can return as soon as possible.