2021 Scottish Gallery Rifle Championship Report

Last month (9th to 11th July) saw the Scottish Gallery Rifle Championship go ahead at Aberdeen Full Bore Gun Club (AFBGC)’s North East range when COVID restrictions prevented use of the Joint Services Pistol Club (JSPC)’s Galashiels range.

Conditions were generally dry and not too windy making it a pleasant weekend of shooting. Many thanks to Scott Lyon who stepped in to manage entries and squadding and to several members of the Scottish GR squad who took on Range Officer duties as well as all the others who helped both before hand and on the day with the multitude of duties needed to make the day run smoothly. The final results have now been published and are available to download using the link below.

Congratulations to the winners: Glenn Gordon, Jonny Cormie, John Crouch, Bill Pow & Charles Bestwick for their excellent performances on the day and with Glenn Gordon and Jonny Cormie achieving multiple match wins.

Lara Bestwick, Gallery Rifle AMG Chair stated:

"We were very pleased to see a wide range of competitors attend this event from GB squad members right down to novice shooters trying their first competition. After a frustrating year, it was great to get back to competitive shooting in Scotland".

The next nationally ranked events will be JSPC's Autumn meet (Sept) and Aberdeen's Wapinschaw (1st-3rd October) with the Scottish squad attending the National Gallery Rifle Championships at Bisley on 3rd to 5th September to compete for the Home Counties Match. This year will also see a friendly Target Shotgun Home Country Match consisting of Timed & Precision 1, Multi-Target and Embassy Matches.

If any Scottish Shooter wishes to be considered for inclusion in any one of the matches at Bisley, please get in touch with Lara.

Report by Lara Bestwick